Sunday, June 28, 2020


Tobias Ellwood MP continues his never ending quest to be recognised as the Tory Parties expert on absolutely everything. No doubt he sees this as a way to get back into the Cabinet. Maybe even worm his way into being Britains best and most influencial PM. Hardly a day goes by when he isn't on some TV News prog or in a newspaper waffling away on every subject under the sun. At the same time ll his constituents can go hang for 'He doesn't help them at all'-simply not interested.

In the last two days he's been showing that he is now an expert on everything to do with China. I expect he's also an expert on Mandarin. For now he has added to his vast experience by spouting forth on the recent India/China border conflict. I'm surprised the Indians have'nt begged him to become their No1 advisor on how the deal with the Chinese. I mean 5 years in the British Army must make him the Worlds foremost expert on all matters Military.

Not content with that he was on yet another newspaper giving the World his expertise on Navy matters. This time imparting his vast knowledge on the viability of Britain having two carriers. Quite how a lowly Captain with only 5 years service in some Army footslogging mob, has the vast navy knowledge he would have us believe about naval matters,is beyond my comprehension. Quite how Naval Top Brass lets him get away with it is also beyond me. Why isn't some Admiral serving or retired, tearing into his uninformed waffling?

Then in the last week we have seen the manic goings on on Bournemouth lovely beaches. Of course we all saw him talking to the nation from his Westminster office about all that. NOTE he never came near the place he is supposed to serve, yet he makes his learned thoughts known to the peasants in the rest of the UK. As I've said previously he has never been seen in Bournemouth throughout the last 4 months of COVID. It's always from some cosy London TV studio or the comfort of his million pound home or from his office in Westminster.

Of course he wheedled his way into becoming the Chair of Defence Select Committee. How the Tories allowed that is well beyond me. Is he a Professor of all matters of Defence?? I think not, especially as all he ever was, was a jobsworth lowly Captain in some crap Army regiment who lots of people have never heard of. Talk about brown-nosing isn't in it. Or did Daddy know the right people to get his darling big-mouth son a job comensurate with his big brain??


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