Thursday, February 27, 2020


Yes, why do people become politicians? Nowadays we in the public have been able to see the answer to this. For since the last war all the old style politicians who had got into politics to serve their country and fellow citizens, have over some decades all retired or died off. They have systematically been replaced with people who only see being an MP as a cushy soft well paid job. If they play it right it can be a well paid job for life, and a place were if they play it right, they can earn even more more money on top of their wages, by way of fiddling every expense scam going.....and that's still going on as well. No stopping the greed of these parasites.

Then they can also suck up to big companies who want someone in Parliament to fiddle things their way. Not to forget that many companies want to stick some Polly onto their letter heading to impress
people. So they pay politicians handsomely to do this, so much so that some greedy pollies get onto multiple companies boards and probably make more from that, than from their MP's wage. Add to that they get paid big golden goodbye handshakes, if they finish being an MP. There is no end as to how they can get rich.

The epitomy of how rich an MP can get was seen in the antics of that alleged Labour MP, Blair, who in my opinion was never a bona-fide Labourite but a Conservative in wolves clothing. No doubt he knew that if he'd got into the Conservative party, he'd just be another ex public schoolboy MP. But by going into what is a political party for working class people, where most of the MP's were of a lower order and that meant he would, if he played it right, become a top dog amongst others who didn't have the nous to better him. And that is exactly how it all turned out. Made so much money in very which way, he was able to buy up properties all over the place. Got his fingers in every pie that also made him more money. Like getting paid eye watering sums just for speaking at various do's. Then add to all that, the number of companies that had him on their books. By the time he saw the writing on the wall and got out of politics, he's made even more dosh by every which way. Totally sickening and what did he actually achieve on the behalf of his constituents??

Is our Tobias poshboy Ellwood trying to go down the same road?? I say that, because he has shown a liking for money and obviously believes he isn't getting enough, judging by comments he's made on that subject. I see that on this subject he's now wangled his way into being the Chairman of the Commons Defence Select Committe which no doubt pays him even more money and panders to his
arrogance and self belief that he knows everything about every subject under the sun. From almost day one of his being an MP, he has wangled his way in to being a PPS for Liam Fox, followed by David Lidlington then Jeremy Hunt and no doubt that attracts a higher salary than just being an MP. Plus by all that brown nosing, he will also get lots of brownie points to his name. But I wonder why he seems to have moved around from one Minister to another. Did they all get pissed offf with him?

On the subject of his arrogance, some time ago on one of the few times he ever has had anything to say about Bournemouth, he stated that it was place with loads of pubs with Scouse landlords who were criminals. Problem was for him, there was only ONE pub with a scouse landlord who certainly was no criminal. So that went down like a lead balloon. Once again it proved that he had no time for Bournemouth and it is a fact that we hardly ever see him on local TV or in the local paper with anything to say about the place he is supposed to represent. There are loads of things that he could have opined about, as its not a very well run place, given that it is supposed to be the number one British seaside holiday place. But it is run by a useless Tory Council, full of arrogant posh boys and girls like him.

So all in all, people like me who had had many problems in our business life from government departments, civil servants and MP's like Tobias Ellwood, and needed to get those problems dealt with. But we have suffered because we have had to put up with an MP like him WHO IS ONLY IN POLITICS TO ADVANCE HIS STANDING AND DESIRES TO GET EVEN MORE MONEY INTO HIS DEEP POCKETS AND HIS CONSTITUENTS ARE JUST A HINDRANCE.

The galling thing is that I've found that MP's are a law unto themselves. For no one is in charge of them, so there is no body you can go to when you are blighted by the Tobias Ellwoods of the political world. The Chairman of the Tory Party in West Bournemouth is just another posh, brown nosing git like Tobias, who will not listen to any complaints about Tobias. So it's just another example of how all the members of the British Establishment all look after each other and you can never get any justice where they are concerned.


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